Saturday, April 25, 2009

my new photoblog

i love pictures and that is why my new idea of creating a photoblog has been on my mind for some time now, and today was the day when i spoke with mango about it and he helped me to create one. here is the link to it:

mango is very sweet and helpful and also patient. thank you Mango, i would not have been able to create this new photoblog, like my other two blogs, without you, as i am not very smart about how to use the computer - my spaceship. the truth is i am very slowly but surely getting better and i can do many things on my own as well.

fruit is yummy and sweet and we are continuing to get amazingly tasty and creamy durians enjoying them almost daily. also munching on pealed tomatoes and lebanese cucumber with red or green hot chili. mango with avocado and me without. drinking a lot of green grape juices, heaps of pineapple orange apple, or pineapple orange apple banana, or pineapple orange banana smoothies, orange peach banana smoothies, rock melon juices, watermelon juices and honey dew melon juices. and very special persimmon juices with surprisingly amazing chocolate caramel vanilla flavour. we drank a tray in a day. eating occasional banana, apple or having a meal of pealed peaches as is. i am eating more bananas than mango, usually 2-5 at once at night as my solo last meal, mango is always sleeping at that time, he goes to sleep 4 or 5 hours earlier than me. that is the time when i usually write and read on the internet. etc. i very rarely watch videos on youtube and such..

we missed out on three sunday local markets due to rainy weather, and we had nice together times instead. it was also yummy to be able to sleep in, than waking up before 5 in the morning.

life is sweet

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